A trap or pound net is a type of fishing gear with a complex organization of nets anchored to the substrate that “lead” or funnel fish into a final compartment (i.e., trap or pound) from which they cannot escape. In the Laurentian Great Lakes, this type of fishing gear is called a trap net and in marine and estuarine systems, it is generally called a pound net. A fyke (pronounced similar to “like”) is specific kind of trap net that uses a series of cone-shaped bags; it is typically a smaller size.
Fish harvested from this type of gear are often considered higher quality than those harvested from gill nets because fish can swim freely in the trap/ pound until the fishermen come to haul the nets. Certain types of bycatch can also be more readily released unharmed from this gear than others. (fishionary.fisheries.org/trap-net)
For an example of how this fishing gear is used, please visit “Know Your Nets” from Michigan Sea Grant.